unfinished projects_

Family Photos

Cosmic Spam

your favorite cosmic-SPAMRADIO!
Did you get my message this time?
__Spams with eerie music

8 Episodes
[all episodes]

#audio // #podcast // 2020-2023



Paintings from Song Lyrics

famous p-aintings

88 paintings you know, blurred

// p-aintings.tumblr >

#images // 2014 + 2021







Prompts with Colors

Image prompts with Stability.ai on colors

// colors.html >

#images // 2023






Prompts with Letters

Image prompts with Stability.ai on all the 26 letters

// letters.html >

#words // 2023







Schöne Wörter

Very Long Films

too bad to delete

blurred photos

// too bad to delete..tumblr

[instagram] >

#images // 2019




Berühmte Buchanfänge

Erste Sätze aus Romanen und Büchern, in ein Smartphone diktiert

// https://beruehmte-buchanfaenge.html >

#words /  2017

Google searches with no result

Search items which Google is unable to find – aren’t we all asdasd in the end?

// google-searches.tumblr.com >

#data // 2012

Questions for GPT

GPT answers important questions of life and death [German]

// gpt-questions.tumblr.com/ >

#words / 2023

wieviel der Fisch?

wichtige Fragen

// https://twitter.com/wichtigefragen >

#words / seit 2017




wr0ng format

boring video from Chinaboring videos from China

// youtube/wr0ngformat/ >

#video // 2019






debile Ausdruecke. Doppel-Substantive. Sprachwoerters.
Meistens Hüelsen. Manchmal schoen.

// twitter.com/wortkram/ >

#words // seit 2007


Reden der Bundespräsidenten


unfinished.xyz is digital art.

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This isnt happening.